On the evening of Tuesday, August 2, a suspect of a burglary in Dallas stole and drove off in a Dallas patrol car. He ran into a home while there was another officer inside of the vehicle trying to regain control. He was soon arrested and was identified as 37 year old Jesus Ronald Ramos. Because of the speed of the car, the impact of the vehicle on the home caused several walls of the home to collapse. Ramos was being arrested for attempted burglary. The officer called for backup when he was dealt with faulty handcuffs, and after Ramos' belligerent and violent behavior. The officer also asked for the backup to bring a caged police car. While the officer was waiting for backup Ramos leaped from the backseat into the driver’s seat. The officer was able to chase after him, leaping into the car attempting to regain control. However by that time the car had crashed into the home. Neighbors of the home claim that this is the second vehicle to have hit the home. Ramos will be faced with charges for burglary, defiance of a police officer, and destruction of the home.
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