There have been a couple of tragic incidences of pedestrians being stuck by vehicles this week both involving young children. It was particularly upsetting to hear of one such incident in Grand Prairie where the victim, a three-year-old boy named Hiram Cobos Jr., was struck by a hit and run driver. Hiram is reported to be recovering and is currently being treated in Cook Children’s Medical Center’s Intensive Care Unit for a crushed forehead, broken pelvis and dislocated foot.
Hiram’s father, Hiram Sr., and mother, Connie Cobos, said that they were pulled over on Highway 360 close to Post and Paddock Lane because they had been experiencing engine trouble. As the family walked towards the frontage road a white two-door pick-up truck with an extended cab struck the mother, Hiram Jr., and one of his siblings knocking them down. His father said the truck, believed to be either a GMC or Chevy, seemed to break momentarily following the collision, but did not stop. He ran after the truck but could not catch it. Hiram Jr. was rushed to hospital with a broken leg and swelling in the brain.
While most accidents are preventable, they do still happen, but fleeing the scene as this driver did is unbelievably cowardly. I cannot begin to fathom what sort of person would knock down a young child and just keep on driving. If you have any information regarding this hit-and-run, please contact Grand Prairie Police Department on 972-237-8790.
Another incident occurred this morning while some children were walking to school. The children and their mother suffered minor injuries this morning when they were struck crossing a street in Old East Dallas. The crash happened shortly after 7:30 a.m. at Bryan Street and North Carroll Avenue, near Peak Preparatory School. The driver of a southbound Chevrolet Tahoe told police the sun was in her eyes as she turned onto Bryan, and she didn’t see the family crossing. Reports are the mother and her two children, a 5-year-old boy and 9-year-old girl, were pushed 15 to 20 feet by the sport utility vehicle.
Thankfully, all three were taken to Baylor University Medical Center with only minor injuries.
Unfortunately in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, it seems that these pedestrians-car accidents are becoming a daily occurrence often while children are walking with their parents to school. We need to keep a better look out for pedestrians so that we can avoid the types of serious injuries that have tragically occurred this week. My good will is with both of these families and I hope that all parties involved make an expedient recovery.
If you were injured as a result of an pedestrian accident, chances are we have handled a similar claim for another client. For more information about Pedestrian Accident laws, Pedestrian related injuries, being a Pedestrian involved in an accident, wrongful death or to discuss your injury claim with a pedestrian accident lawyer, please schedule a free consultation and case evaluation by calling us at 972-793-8500. You may also e-mail us or click here to fill out the form for a free case evaluation.
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